Organic Eggs — What It Is, Is It Beneficial?

3 min readDec 7, 2020


“Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments”

In a world of over malnutrition and lack of a healthy diet, it is difficult to eat well every day. In this era when hygienic food is so cheap and nutritious, it is often difficult to denote food with the word “organic”.

So, if you intend to make a more favorable food decision on a tight spending plan, what would you do?

Many conscious adults are turning to eat more natural nutrients because they are cheaper and rich in dietary value. One of the natural nutrient food that is an egg!

Eggrovila sells Organic eggs in Mohali. Natural organic eggs have numerous benefits that may add nutritional value to your diet. So let’s start with, what is Organic egg?

What is Organic Egg?

Hens lay organic eggs and can only use organic feed that does not contain antibiotics and chemicals to produce natural organic eggs in an outdoor environment. No hormone enhancing drugs are used to make organic eggs.

In order to be able to lay organic eggs, it must come from hens that live in an open environment that has no cages and can roam outdoors freely.

What is meant by organic in eggs?

First of all, chickens should be cage-free and range-free. Organic means that any herbicides, conventional feed, antibiotics, and synthetic fertilizers are not used to produce eggs.

Another natural criterion is that the general strength of the chicken should be measured. They must provide sufficient nutrients and minerals to the flock of hens. Before selling eggs in the market, it must be inspected that they contain similar nutrients which must be in an organic egg.

Here are 5 amazing benefits of eggs:

1. High-quality protein and amino acids:

Protein is a main component of the human diet. It helps to make cartilage, muscle bones, and muscle size. Protein also gives energy and oxygen to the blood cells for functioning in the body. Same as amino acids help to digest the food and give strength to the immune system. Eggs have high-quality protein and contain all the essential amino acids necessary for a healthy human body.

2. Increase in Good Cholesterol (HDL):

Studies show that having HDL (high-density lipoproteins) or good cholesterol reduces the risk of heart disease and other health problems. Eating eggs keep your blood vessels healthy. Sometimes bad cholesterol gets stuck in narrow blood vessels that become the cause of heart disease and paralysis of muscles. It is certified that eggs have a wide range of good cholesterol for your body.

3. Good source of omega-3:

Omega-3 (omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids) are good for the growth of the brain and development of infants. Omega-3 also reduces the level of depression and anxiety. An egg is beneficial for those who avoid fish to eat as it contains omega-3. It is very useful for the cessation of wheezing, shortness of breath, and metabolic syndrome.

4. Antioxidants that are beneficial for the eyes:

Eating eggs can help reduce the risk of eye diseases like macular degeneration, as it is rich in antioxidants such as lutein, zeaxanthin, etc. It also provides protection from retinal damage to the eyes.

5. Eggs boost the immune system for healthy aging:

Eggs contain 13 different vitamins, minerals, folate, choline, iron, and zinc. They are affordable, easy to prepare, and easy to digest. Eating eggs ensures that they get the right amount of nutrients in their food. Organic eggs contain high-quality protein, riboflavin, and selenium. Most of the nutrients in eggs come from the yolk.


Buying eggs is a personal choice. Eggs are one of the most important nutrients that keep their position at a reasonable and low-cost purchase method.

If you eat eggs every day, then we don’t think you need to go to the hospital for examination. It’s all up to you. You should eat nutritious or malnourished food in your daily work. But we recommend that you should add natural organic eggs in the first meal or breakfast of the day.




Written by Eggrovila

Eggrovila believes those eggs should be all-natural and humanely raised. For this reason, our hens are fed hormone and antibiotic-free, vegetarian feed.

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